Bury Me Beneath the Willow
posted on:2023 years
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My heart is sad and I am in sorrow

for the only one that I love

When shall I see him oh no never

till I meet him in heaven above

Oh bury me under the weeping willow

yes under the weeping willow tree

So he may know where I am sleeping

and perhaps he will weep over me

They told me that he did not love me

I could not believe it was true

Untill the angel softly whispered

he has proven untrue to you

Tomorrow was our wedding day

but oh Lord where is he

He is gone to see another bride

and he cares no more for me

Oh bury me under the weeping willow

yes under the weeping willow tree

So he may know where I am sleeping

and perhaps he will weep ov

My heart is sad and I am in sorrow

for the only one that I love

When shall I see him oh no never

till I meet him in heaven above

Oh bury me under the weeping willow

yes under the weeping willow tree

So he may know where I am sleeping

and perhaps he will weep over me

They told me that he did not love me

I could not believe it was true

Untill the angel softly whispered

he has proven untrue to you

Tomorrow was our wedding day

but oh Lord where is he

He is gone to see another bride

and he cares no more for me

Oh bury me under the weeping willow

yes under the weeping willow tree

So he may know where I am sleeping

and perhaps he will weep ov

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